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La topique de l'intersubjectivité chez Kaës et ses incidences dans l’écoute psychanalytique et dans la relation transféro/contretransférentielle dans la cure-type

Jacqueline C. Prud’homme


The author presents the work of René Kaës, and his main concepts of psychic groupality, the group, the subject of the group, and the bonds between the subjects of the group. The theory of the intersubjectivity proposed by Kaës, which he calls the third topic, does not exclude Freudian’s first and second Topics. All human bonds are made of unconscious alliances of narcissistic, denied perverse contracts, in service of the survival of the subjects and of the group. The author presents the consequences of those unconscious alliances and contracts on the psychoanalytic listening of a singular subject in the “cure-type,” and on the relationship of the analyst-patient couple.


psychic groupality, group, subject and link between subjects and group, unconscious alliances, consequences for cure-type, relationship of analyst-patient couple

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